Saturday, June 11, 2011

annnnd here I am yet another year has passsssssed on by. I have graduated with my Masters, I am working full time as a county social worker... my dream job... and I'm living with wonderful people. I have amazing friends, family, and most of an AMAZING God! He is truly all that matters. He sustains me each day. It is awesome to see how much I've grown over the past year and how I have learned to love myself more and how to truly love others (I had to learn to love me first). It is amazing at how God works through heartache, brokenness, and difficulties to refine us and make us more like Him. Though not everything is going smoothly, it is blessed. I am really thankful for this season of my life and I look forward to what God has next, but I'm soaking up what is in front of me. Thank you Jesus for new life and for new beginnings.

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